privacy policy

last updated: 24th October 2023

Nineteen First Avenue recognises the significance of protecting the privacy and personal information of our users and stakeholders. This Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to safeguarding the personal information we collect and use and describes how we handle and protect this information. By engaging with our services or providing us with your personal information, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Personal Information

"Personal information" refers to information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information or opinion is true or not and whether it is recorded in a material form or not. This includes but is not limited to information such as your name, address, telephone number, email address, and any information directly linked to your activities, both online and offline. Personal information does not include data where any reference to an individual has been removed, making it impossible to identify them.


This policy applies to any individual from whom Nineteen First Avenue collects personal information and pertains specifically to data collected within the territories in which we operate. It encompasses individuals whose personal information we hold or may collect in the future. By using our services and providing your personal information, you consent to the terms of this policy and the collection and use of your personal information as outlined herein.

Amendment of Policy

If any changes are made to this policy, we will post the updated terms on this page to ensure that you remain informed about how we collect, use, and handle your personal information.

Information Collection

Nineteen First Avenuemay collect and retain personal information through various means, including but not limited to online forms, applications, emails, and other forms of direct communication. We may also obtain information from publicly available sources. The information collected directly from you may include details necessary for identification, such as your name, date of birth, phone number, residential address, and financial information like bank account and credit card details.

Additionally, Nineteen First Avenue may use cookies to gather statistics about the performance of our website. You can choose to decline the sharing of this information by adjusting your browser settings to refuse cookies or to receive notifications when a cookie request is received.

Unsolicited Information

In the event that Nineteen First Avenue receives unsolicited information not lawfully collectible under the relevant privacy laws, we will either destroy or de-identify the information to the extent permitted by law.

Optional Identification

You have the option to choose not to identify yourself, or to use a pseudonym, when interacting with Nineteen First Avenue. However, exercising this option may render it impractical for us to engage with you, and we reserve the right to decline to do so.

Use and Disclosure of Information

Nineteen First Avenue collects, uses, and discloses personal information for the management of our services and to provide products and support to our users. We may also use your information as required or permitted by law.

Occasionally, we may send direct marketing communications. If you prefer not to receive these communications, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link included at the bottom of the marketing emails.

Nineteen First Avenue may disclose information to related entities or companies in accordance with the applicable privacy laws. We only disclose personal information without consent under the following circumstances:

- When necessary to protect or enforce Nineteen First Avenue's legal rights or interests, or to defend any claims.
- When necessary to prevent or reduce a serious threat to a person's health or safety.
- When required or authorised by law.
- When permitted under other exceptions in the relevant privacy laws.

Nineteen First Avenue may provide statistics and other relevant data to third-party vendors, ensuring that these statistics do not contain personally identifying information.

Data Transfer

As part of our operations, Nineteen First Avenue may transfer personal information to third parties located in countries where we or our contractors operate, with Australia and the United States of America being the primary countries for such transfers. We may also utilise online cloud-based services like Gmail, which could result in the storage of personal information on third-party cloud-based servers overseas.

Protection of Personal Information

Nineteen First Avenue has established standard policies and procedures to safeguard your information from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure. We also take necessary steps to ensure that any third-party service providers we engage have appropriate privacy policies in place, in accordance with the relevant privacy laws.

Nineteen First Avenue will take reasonable steps to permanently delete or de-identify personal information if it is no longer required for the purposes for which we are authorised to use it.

Access to Personal Information and Corrections

If you wish to access the information we hold about you, please reach out to us via the contact form on this website. We will provide you with this information, except in cases where:

(a) the request is frivolous or vexatious;
(b) providing access would unreasonably impact another person's privacy;
(c) providing access would pose a serious and imminent threat to the life or health of any person;
(d) providing access would prejudice Nineteen First Avenue's legal rights; or
(e) there are other legal grounds for denying the request.

While we do not charge an application fee, we may levy a reasonable fee for providing access, including photocopying expenses.

Correction of Personal Information

Nineteen First Avenue will take appropriate steps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the personal information we hold. If you believe any of the information we hold about you is inaccurate or outdated, please contact us using the contact form on our website.

Contact for Privacy Concerns and Complaints

For any inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy or if you believe that Nineteen First Avenue has violated its obligations under the relevant privacy laws or any other privacy commitments related to personal information, please contact us via the contact form on this website. To facilitate an investigation into your complaint, kindly provide us with sufficient details and any supporting information. We will acknowledge your complaint in writing within seven days, conduct an investigation, and notify you of the outcome in writing within a reasonable time, typically within 30 days of receiving the complaint.

Nineteen First Avenue reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy periodically and without notice.

a brief summary

  • Nineteen First Avenue aims to protect your privacy
  • Nineteen First Avenue, contractors, agents, and relevant marketing partners, may share your data with third party services located overseas (such as Meta or Google)
  • If you have any questions, please contact an advisor using Nineteen First Avenue's online contact form

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